Inverted Word Order

Worksheet Objective:
To learn how to make subjects and verbs agree in sentences.

There are multiple worksheets that cover subject-verb agreement. When you complete this one, be sure to move on to the next.

Inverted Word Order

In most sentences, the subject comes first and is followed by the verb.  Sometimes, however, the subject and verb are reversed, or inverted.  Inverted sentences can cause confusion in subject-verb agreement.  Which of the following sentences is correct?
            In her hand is two roses.
            In her hand are two roses.

Notice that this sentence begins with a prepositional phrase, In her hand.  The phrase is followed by the verb and the subject comes last.  Often, it is easier to figure out correct subject-verb agreement in an inverted sentence by rephrasing it in normal order.
            Two roses is in her hand. (Nope)
            Two roses are in her hand. (Almost there)
            In her hand are two roses. (Now you’ve got it!)

Try these sentences

38.   On top of the suitcase  my tennis shoes.

39.   At the end of the dusty road  two old water pumps.

40.   There  no clues to tell who the robber is.

41.   Across the front windows  a yellow ribbon.

42.   Here  my old hiking boots.

43.   Why  those two dead plants still sit on your desk?

44.     the car keys in your coat pocket?

45.   What  you planning to wear on New Year’s Eve?

46.    anyone over six really believe in the Tooth Fairy?

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Cambridge Program for the Writing Skills Test. (1981). Cambridge Book Company: New York, NY

GED Test 1: Writing Skills. (1994). Contemporary Books, Inc.: Lincolnwood, IL.
GED Writing Skills. (1996). Steck-Vaughn: Austin, TX.
Rubin, Betsy. (1988). Edge on English: Grammar Write Away, Book 2. Contemporary Books Inc.: Chicago, IL.